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      Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.


    • 7.0 正片 风流刺客 陈虎,朱佳希
    • 10.0 HD中字版 白雪公主 伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,伯努瓦·波尔沃德,璐·德·拉格,达米安·勃纳尔,夏尔·贝尔林
    • 7.0 HD 平凡的世界2015电影 比利·乔·阿姆斯特朗,弗莱德·阿米森,朱迪·格雷尔,塞尔玛·布莱尔,克里斯·梅西纳,布莱恩·鲍姆加特纳,约翰·道曼,玛迪辛·希普曼,凯文·考利甘,米娅·狄龙,卢卡斯·帕佩利亚斯,达拉斯·罗伯特斯,Rick,Younger,肖恩·古恩,Valentine,Miele,丽贝卡·纳奥米·琼斯,琼·杰特,南茜·蒂科汀,米歇尔·冈
    • 10.0 HD 深喉谋杀案 杰西卡·帕克·肯尼迪,凯蒂·阿赛尔顿,杰瑞·奥康奈尔,克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳,克里斯·里德,斯蒂芬妮·德雷克,Josh,Margolin,奎因·贝齐克
    • 1.0 297播放 甲方甲方 宗峰岩,泺焱
    • 8.0 733播放 电台之家 Evelyne,Adam,Jean-Claude,Ameisen

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